Oooh - check me out and my multiple posts with in a month... :)
There has been a lot of talk for many years about producing a massive database of everything ever, so that the Government can spy on us, frame us for crimes we didn't commit and... er... tell us to pick up litter and the like. It's never going to
actually catch terrorists, as well we all know. The
latest idea being touted is another variation on the theme, only this time is just the secret service as opposed to the actual government, for all the difference that makes.
So... this is Government IT project... how much fear can be levelled at such a thing? Personally, for all the reactionary emotions it envokes in me, I can't actual worry about it. Not even for a minute. For a start the only comparable project was the 2.3bn HNS database which ended up costing 12bn... that is a ratio of 6:1 over budget. I'd also hazard a guess, the bigger the project, the larger the ratio by a matter of a an exponent rather than a fraction. Regardless, a 12bn project is going to cost at least 72bn if we take the model of the NHS database. This coupled with choice facts such as, would the project even be able to deliver all of it's functionality or would be massively scaled down to the point of uselessness - if indeed the bloody thing was ever actually delivered, again reduces my fear by significant amounts.
But the real clincher is this, if by some miracle the government can muster the exorbitant funds needed to achieve it, that it actually gets delivered, that it actually does a fraction of what it's supposed to do on the tin - what will have been created? We are talking a massive amount of data in what is most likely the most unsecure system ever built - this is the government remember - security is hardly a specialism when it comes to data. This is down to it's nature - the system is going to have
everything (or lots of things depending on the variations of scenarios) fed into it, from so many channels it will intrinsically unsecure. But to stretch the scenario in the governments favour, even if it was relatively secure, breaches
will happen - it's inevitable.
So... you are Mr. Hacker McBlackHat and you've finally cracked into the UK MegaBase and you've yottabytes of data you could steal, but obviously you've got to be selective - you can't nick everything after all, even with your massive hard drive, it isn't exactly UK MegaBase size - so what do you go for? Personally, any hacker breaking into the UK MegaBase is going to have
some political motivation or if no politcial motivations at least a sense of irony, so I guess you'll be going for the details of politicians? That CCTV camera footage of them with an attractive young lady when their phone record told their wife they'd told their wife they be in meetings with foreign dignitaries? The addition of £100,000 to their private bank account when they'd suddenly changed their mind on a political issue? The politicians pastoral best-friend being caught on camera with a lade? For everything that common Joe Public should fear of being caught of politicians should have that fear 10 fold.
Now, tell me, when the politicians see their colleagues careers being destroyed due to a spotty teenager running a script, when it's cost gazillions of pounds and still doesn't actually work, and when a another, different, government could easily be voted in to simply oppose this one issue... how long it is ever going to last...?