Wednesday, 13 August 2008

"I listen to everything..."

Well, here it is. I'm sure this is one of brazillions of "my new blog, this is what I'm going to write about" posts and then proceed to claim that I'm going to write about that most illusive subject; everything.

The major issue I have with the above is a bit like when you are trying to get to know someone. Being heavily interested in music, it seems natural to me to ask people their tastes in music because I believe that as a one-shot easily answered question, it actually provides a huge amount of insight into their personality and life style.

Which is why little annoys me when people claim; "I listen to everything"... because you can almost guarantee that they don't. In fact, it usually guarantees they actually listen to nothing. And by listen to nothing I mean that Coldplay is their favourite band.

I know people who listen to everything, people who seek the most obscure (and non-obscure) music, people who actively seek to broaden their horizons at every opportunity, people who insist that the best hip-hop actually comes from a particular suburb of some unheard of French town but still isn't as good live as Mongolian throat overtone chanting. Those sort of people are rare, bizarre but equally geeky wierdo's. At least them makes them interesting. But for the most people who claim that they "listen to everything" simply listen to a few things and don't actually like anyone of them enough to make some sort of emotional claim on them. "I listen to everything" tells me little about someone beyond that they are most likely very fucking boring.

I "I listen to everything", but I love punk enough to say "my favourite music is punk" as it actually affects me on an emotional level. It doesn't exclude my other loves or other things that affect me on a similar level (Hard House, 80s synth pop etc) but it does reflect something of my personality and in the long run, doesn't suggest that I'm a Coldplay fan and therefore someone who isn't really into music or suffering from terminal brain failure.

So, while this blog is on "everything", in reality, quite certainly isn't. It is actually about things that are my predominant interests; Singing/ Music/ Punk/ Clubs/ Band Shite (my band is topically called "Pissed Resistance"... no, I didn't come up with it, I'm not that clever! If you haven't realised it's a play on words... don't worry, most people don't get it first time... including me...), watching Norwich City and playing football, Technology/ Programming/ Java, Games, Films and Comics and the media. And* probably anything else that annoys me about general life of living in Brighton such as Londoners and fat (sorry, stout) people.

I generally watch an absolute tonne of TV sci-fi and games and hence there are bound to be a significant number of reviews on those subjects. We can hope.

Well - I've read this through over 2 thousand times now and hence I should just get round to posting this up. Lets hope this isn't the only post of this blog that you are reading 5 years after it was posted...

(* I'm only doing that to annoy English students, I didn't just start a new sentance with "and", but a whole new paragraph!!! Eat that grammar nazi!)

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